a royal treat in Delft house of orange

full-day about william the silent and his life in delft

Explore the unique connection between Delft and the Royal House of Orange as we invite you to a luxurious day in the Netherlands’ most enchanting city. Begin your journey with a warm welcome in between the “Royals” with coffee and cake while taking in the scenic views of the New Church and the stunning town hall. Your private guide will meet you in  in the restaurant to kickstart an engaging Royal guided tour.

The central theme of the tour revolves around ‘The House of Orange,’ with a significant emphasis on the life of Prince William the Silent. The tour provides also an overview of the historic city. Following the city walk, you will enjoy a  luxury lunch. Recharged and invigorated, you can walk on your time to museum Prinsenhof Delft, the former Resident of William the Silent and see the site, where our Founding Father met his tragic end.


€ 52,50 p.p. excl 21% VAT
Minimum of 8 persons


- Coffee & Dutch apple pie
- Entrance Old & New Church
- Private local guide
- Tasty lunch with drink
- Entrance Museum Prinsenhof Delft

program - DURation: 4,5 houRs

10:30 am : Coffee & pie
11:00 am : Guided tour New Church
11:45 am : Guided walk historic center
12:45 pm : Lunch with drink
14:00 pm : Entrance Museum Prinsenhof Delft